Who we are

Enabling evolution

Being today what will be needed tomorrow. This is the challenge that businesses will always be up against. A challenge that waits for no one. Like evolution, but getting faster and faster.

We started out in 2012 to bring digital to Italian businesses and take Italian businesses into the digital realm. We are now enabling their growth through generative Artificial Intellingence and data, to define a customer experience in keeping with the post-digital scenario.

We’re a firm that believes in what works.
And when it no longer works, we change, adapt, evolve.


Where are we going?

No one knows the future.
But our past tells a story that doesn’t fear time.

What we do

One body, many souls

We believe that every business problem is different and requires specific solutions. Ideas and action capable of adapting to market volatility.
What’s needed is alchemy. An alchemy of skills and methodologies.
For a response that’s always made to measure.


We assist clients
in the evolution and innovation
of their business models.

  • Customer Satisfaction & Root Cause
  • Hybrid Sales
  • Contact Center Excellence
  • Omnichannel Strategy
  • Data Strategy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Accelleration Factory


Who we work with

Evolutions enabled

To continue to evolve you have to be “evolved”.
We have over 200 clients who understand that the future waits for no one.

Culture and people

It all starts with people

Growth, profits and competitiveness are what make a company successful. Ethics, respect and sustainability are what make it a success on the wider stage of modern business.
It’s people that generate the projects that generate profits.
This is why we seek out only the best talents, provided they’re guided by strong values shared by us.

Our diversity
is what defines us

We’re an enterprise that aims to consolidate its position in the market but not its way of seeing the world.
If everything changes, we won’t just watch it happen.

A formula that makes the difference
At Alkemy, widely differing skills live in synergy in a virtuous circle of continual growth, stimulated by an inclusive environment in which spirit of enterprise is encouraged at all levels.
Business is a human activity
And how we do it should reflect what we’re like. Open, collaborative, curious. Constantly evolving into better people to make a positive impact every day.
We are what we promise to be
Our speed in adapting to market requirements and the tangible and long-term results we get for our clients are proof that not only are we doing the right things but we’re also doing them properly.
A formula that makes the difference
At Alkemy, widely differing skills live in synergy in a virtuous circle of continual growth, stimulated by an inclusive environment in which spirit of enterprise is encouraged at all levels.
Business is a human activity
And how we do it should reflect what we’re like. Open, collaborative, curious. Constantly evolving into better people to make a positive impact every day.
We are what we promise to be
Our speed in adapting to market requirements and the tangible and long-term results we get for our clients are proof that not only are we doing the right things but we’re also doing them properly.
Where we are

The world is our home

We started up in Milan but we want to be wherever we can help companies evolve their business model.

Milan HQ
Via San Gregorio, 34 20124 Milan, Italy
Via Guarino Guarini, 4 10123 Turin, Italy
Via del Commercio, 36 - 00154 00154 Rome, Italy
Paseo Recoletos 27 28004 Madrid, Spain +34 663 89 48 37
Sime Igumanova 64 Beograd 11000, Serbia
Mexico City
Herschel 70 Anzures, Ciudad de México + 52 5563863384


PRIVACY NOTICE pursuant to art. 13, legislative decree 196, 30 June 2003 (“Code”) and EU Regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”).

In compliance with the Code and GDPR, Alkemy S.p.A., as fully identified hereunder and in its capacity as "Data Controller", provides you with the following information about use of personal data provided by users who consult and/or interact with the website.


Users are free to provide his personal data to send his curriculum vitae, to request the sending of informative material or other communications. In this case, the processing of personal data can only be carried out to respond to requests received, pursuant to art. 6.1, lett. b) of the GDPR. The provision of such data is optional, but failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain what is requested. Personal data may also be processed for sending commercial communications on products and services, by e-mail, sms, mms, fax or similar and / or by means of the postal service or telephone calls with an operator. In this case, the processing requires the consent of the User pursuant to art. 6, c. 1, lett. a) of the GDPR.


Personal data are processed by manual and digital devices and in such a way as to guarantee their security and confidentiality. Prevention and protection systems are used and constantly updated and checked in terms of reliability.


In pursuit of the aforementioned purposes, Alkemy SpA needs to communicate personal data to its "designated employees" and “external processors". A full list of processors is available at the Data Controller’s head office.


The Data Controller is Alkemy S.p.A., whose registered office is in via San Gregorio 34, 20124 Milan, and whose tax code/VAT no. is 05619950966.


Under art. 7, Privacy Code and art. 15 and subseq. GDPR, you are entitled to obtain:
1. confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data regarding you, even if not yet registered, and communication thereof in an intelligible form;
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7. specification of:
a) origin of personal data;
b) categories of personal data processed;
c) purposes and methods of processing;
d) logic applied in the case of processing using electronic devices;
e) identification details of the Data Controller and any processors;
f) period of conservation of your personal data or the criteria needed to calculate such period;
g) subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of them in their capacity as designated representative within the territory of the State, processors or designated staff pursuant to art. 4, Privacy Code / persons authorized to process data in the name and on behalf of the Data Controller pursuant to art. 4, GDPR;
h) updating, rectification or integration of data, if in your interest;
i) transformation into an anonymous form or blocking of data processed in breach of the law, including any data that do not need to be kept in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed;
j) certification that the operations in a) and b) above have been communicated, also in terms of content, to the recipients to whom the data were communicated or disclosed unless this proves impossible or entails effort manifestly disproportionate to the right in question.
8. You are also entitled to object, in whole or part:
a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data regarding you even if relevant to the purpose for which they were collected;
b) to the processing of personal data regarding you for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for the carrying out of market research or commercial communication.
To exercise the aforementioned rights, you may write to the email address referencing "Privacy – exercise of rights under art. 7, legislative decree 196/2003 and art. 15 and subseq. GDPR".
Lastly, if you believe that your rights have been infringed by the Data Controller and/or a 3rd party, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority and/or other supervisory authority acting under the GDPR.


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